Young adults working toward self-sufficiency and who are unable to return to a home setting can participate in Ellipsis’ Transitional and Independent Living programs.

Providing various degrees of autonomy along with an ongoing support network from Ellipsis staff, these programs provide less structure than Residential Care and are reserved for those who have demonstrated an ability and desire to rejoin their local community.
In this program, individuals aged 16–18 years have access to two independent living settings: Cluster Supervised Apartment Living (SAL) and Scattered Supervised Apartment Living (SAL). Following group care or SAL, participants may be asked to join our Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) program. Youth, in addition to building successful strategies for successful everyday living, can continue to receive basic and daily living services, life skills training, therapy, psychiatric and psychological care, educational and recreational services, health care, religious and cultural services, and other specialized care.
Cluster Supervised Apartment Living (SAL)
The Cluster SAL program offers 18 beds for boys and girls ages 16.5 and older across Ellipsis’ Ross Campus in Johnston and at the Richard O. Jacobson Transitional Living Center in Des Moines. Youth are expected to have successfully completed a pre-independent living program of some kind, prior to being admitted.
Scattered Supervised Apartment Living (SAL)
This program places boys and girls ages 17 and up in their own apartments in the Des Moines metro area and surrounding communities. Participants will receive regular assistance from Ellipsis counselors to ensure needs are being met and progress is being made on the path to self-sufficiency.
Preparation for Adult Living (PAL)
A valuable component to our Transition Support program, PAL supports youth as they transition to adulthood. Focusing on building the social skills, life skills and mindsets needed to thrive in a community, PAL helps participants recognize and accept their personal responsibility to prepare for and transition from adolescence to adulthood.