In 1973, Don and I were introduced to a newly formed organization, Iowa Runway Service. This organization evolved to meet a need recognized by a small group of community leaders and local social service agencies. To our shock, it was to help provide counsel and shelter for youth in need of immediate assistance from dysfunctional and troubled families in dire situations. These perilous situations created harm, both emotionally and physically, to young children and adolescents. Many young people were fleeing, choosing to face the unknown rather than what was happening in their homes. We were unaware this problem existed within our community.
Don was quick to join the Iowa Runaway board, and within a year we purchased the first home to give shelter to those children in need of a safe place to live. While the need — and our commitment to the youth — have endured over the last 51 years, so many other elements surrounding the issue have evolved. The organization transitioned to Youth Emergency Services & Shelter (YESS) and is now Ellipsis, a newly formed organization merging YESS and Youth Homes of Mid-America. Ellipsis has added dimension and depth to the services addressing the many needs of youth and families within our state.
We hope you will help us continue to support and provide these essential services. Our youth depend on us to lead and guide them to a bright and productive future.
Thank you,
Margo and Don Blumenthal
Honorary Chairs, Ellipsis Hopeful Spaces Campaign
Thank you to our generous supporters:
Laura & Greg Allen
American Equity
Kirk & Cathy Besh
Charles Betts
Don & Margo Blumenthal
Suzie J Glazer Foundation
Carlson Family Foundation
Tracy & Franklin Codel
Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines
Tim & Katherine Crawford
Suzanna de Baca
Delta Dental
City of Des Moines
Ellipsis Foundation
Ron & Amiee Grensteiner
Tina & Jason Hoffman
Fred & Charlotte Hubbell
Mike & Debbie Hubbell
Iowa Economic Development Authority
Iowa Credit Union Leauge
Rachel Kelley
Gary & Sue Kirke
Bill & Susan Knapp
Linda & Thomas Koehn
Christine Lauridsen Sand & Rob Sand
Chris & Peggy Littlefield
Mick & Rhonda Lovell
Susan Low
Loree & David Miles
Nationwide Foundation
Gerald & Mary Lou Neugent
Noble Foundation
Doug & Paula Pearson
Ronald Pearson
Polk County Board of Supervisors
Prairie Meadows
Deb & Bob Pulver Foundation
Suku & Mary Radia
Rotary Club of Des Moines
The Ruan Foundation
Sammons Financial Group
Steve & Renee Schaaf
Rich Schappert
Dr. Craig & Kimberly Shadur
Travis & Jen Sheets
Ali & Jan Shemirani
Marvin Simonsen Trust
Jill & Kevin Smith
Storey Kenworthy
Jane & Steven Sturtz
Variety - The Children's Charity
Maria & Dave Volante
Wells Fargo
Amy & Murray Williams
Rich & Kim Willis
Martha Willits
Connie Wimer
Sumner & Karen Worth
Five years ago, 27 facilities across the state were available for youth to stay in shelters, foster group care and supervised apartment living beds. Now, only 17 of those facilities still exist in our state, meaning kids and teens have to travel further for the care they need.
In the previous five years, Iowans have lost more than 230 foster group care beds (the highest level of care) across the state. With fewer youth being served in these settings, the acuity of their needs is much higher, significantly increasing the level of care required.
Ellipsis is the ONLY organization in the state that offers emergency shelter, foster group care and supervised apartment living — regardless of gender!
Ellipsis cannot address the needs of these vulnerable kids without increasing the capacity of our facilities. Below you will find exactly what our plans are.
Download the Hopeful Spaces Pledge Card to print and complete.
Mail completed pledge cards to:
918 SE 11th Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
You may also email your submission to Chris Andersen at chris.andersen@ellipsisiowa.org.
Our phased approach.
Phase 1: South Campus realignment and renovation, $2,384,325
Status: Fully funded and all residential areas in-service, completed February of 2024.
Phase 2: Park Campus realignment and renovation, $225,000
Status: Fully funded and in-service, completed April of 2024.
Phase 3: Girls Campus development, purchase, and renovation, $4,730,000
Status: Fully funded and in progress. Building purchased, design complete, demolition complete, general contractor selected. Scheduled to be in-service August 2025.
Phase 4: Boys continuum program development. New construction/renovation; $5,020,930
Status: 20% funded. Design underway, construction to begin late 2025, in-service late 2026.
Phase 5: North Campus realignment and renovation, $2,440,000
Status: Planning phase.

South campus: Programs
- Emergency Shelter
- Supervised Apartment Living
South campus: BUDGEt
- Total cost: $2,384,325
- Cluster SAL apartment construction: $2,259,325
- Cluster SAL apartment furnishings: $125,000

Park campus: Programs
- Foster Group Care
- Additional future residential services to be determined.
Park campus: Budget
- Total cost: $225,000
- Kitchen remodel: $12,000
- Paint, carpet and doors throughout: $98,000
- Equipment: $14,000
- Driveway repair: $30,000
- Furniture: $41,000
- Beds: $30,000

NOBLE campus: Programs
- Foster Group Care
- Supervised Apartment Living
NOBLE campus: Budget
- Total cost: $4,730,000
- Building purchase: $1,250,000
- Demolition: $20,000
- Building renovations: $2,960,000
- Equipment, furnishings, etc.: $450,000
- Site enhancements — sidewalk; trees: $50,000

NORTH campus: Programs
- Foster Group Care
- Supervised Apartment Living
North campus: BUDGEt
- Total cost: $2,440,000
Grubb: Convert to 16 beds; insert additional unit; reposition entry and access sequencing; roof: $800,000
Sargent: Split into 2 units with 4 beds each for 8 beds total; move lounge to ground floor; add bathrooms/room; roof: $1,015,000
Ross: Add 4 bathrooms so each room has its own; reconfigure as needed; HVAC: $625,000

Additional campaign initiatives:
- Ongoing youth program development: $5,020,093
For more information, contact:
Chris Koepplin
Ellipsis Chief Executive Officer
C: 515.243.3459
Email: chris.koepplin@ellipsisiowa.org
Chris Andersen
Ellipsis Chief Philanthropy Officer
C: 515.291.0032
Email: chris.andersen@ellipsisiowa.org