We believe that, whenever possible, kids should remain in their own homes while receiving whatever services are available to ensure their needs are met.
When situations arise in which staying at home is not possible, Ellipsis works directly with kids and families to provide the most accommodating solution appropriate to meeting the youth’s needs. Our residential programs include crisis care, residential care and transition support to help youth up to 20 years of age address behavioral or emotional concerns in a safe and enriching out-of-home setting. With each program, our focus remains on building the life- and relationship-based skills needed to successfully return or transition to family life, either in their own home, a foster or adoptive home or in supervised apartment living.

Crisis Care
Residential Crisis Care provides immediate intervention services when youth can no longer stay in the home. Ellipsis provides safe, comfortable housing to affected youth and works with family members until conditions for returning to the home are satisfied or as other appropriate services are determined on an as-needed basis.

Residential Care
Ellipsis provides 24-hour foster group care treatment and basic needs for individuals up to age 18 when behavioral and/or emotional problems have reached such magnitude that they are no longer able to remain in their own homes. Our Residential Care programs include avenues for treatment, shelter care and supervised apartment living.

Transition Support
Transition support, including Ellipsis’ Supervised Apartment Living (SAL) and Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) programs assist young adults aged 18 or older in achieving self-sufficiency as they prepare for transition from adolescence to adulthood.