In the nonprofit and youth services sphere, growth doesn’t always look like a clear and steady ascending line on a chart. This makes it important for us to measure our work, and we’re proud to report some incredible successes in the last year, namely that we have positively impacted nearly 600 kids and families on a daily basis.
Let’s take a look at the quantifiable ways we have supported Iowa children and families in 2022.
What does our impact look like?

How does Ellipsis help central Iowa kids and families?
As a “no wrong door” service provider, Ellipsis works to connect central Iowa kids and families to successful futures. No matter what has been or what currently is, we help youth move toward what’s possible.
Our impact on their lives can range from food, shelter, education and caring social interaction to facilitating immeasurable, trajectory-changing personal transformations — the impact of which ripples across our communities.
Throughout the year, we served 223 kids in residential programs, and our licensed and qualified therapists provided a whopping 1,882 counseling hours through our individual, family and group counseling programs.
We also served 147 kids in our prevention and diversion programs, which divert youth away from the system and focusing on in-home treatment plans that involve all affected family members. Additionally, about 150 youth combined were served in our behavioral health and transitional after care services.

Our work often takes place over the course of years, but even on a case-by-case and day-by-day basis, our goals remain the same: to encourage the sort of long-lasting physical, mental and emotional well-being that keeps kids and families together, lifts our community and helps youth understand who they ultimately want to be.
Learn more about our impact here.
You can help Ellipsis support the kids and families in our communities, and we need assistance as we work to shape the youth of our community into productive members who feel their value and have a network of support behind them as they work toward their goals. Consider supporting our mission today.