What is your position with Ellipsis?
I’m a youth care worker.
How long have you worked here?
I’ve worked here for two years.
Have you had any other roles/jobs during your tenure with Ellipsis?
I’ve always been a youth care worker during my time at Ellipsis.
What drew you to work at Ellipsis?
In college I loved studying psychology, which naturally guided me toward wanting to pursue a career in human services. A friend reached out to me who was employed with Ellipsis and told me the awesome things they were doing for the community and for the kids. After researching and hearing all the great things Ellipsis was doing, I knew I wanted to work here.
Can you recall a moment (during your career with Ellipsis) when you felt like you were in exactly the right place, doing exactly what you should be doing? What was that like?
When you would rather be at work than relaxing at home, that’s when you know you love what you’re doing. One of the joys of working at Ellipsis is coming into work and the kids being excited that I’m there with them for the day. It really makes you feel like you are lifting some of the stress off of their shoulders just by being present.
What are some of the more challenging aspects of this job?
At times, services and resources might not be available right away for the youth who need it. We try and console them and guide them through their frustrations, making sure they work through their emotions in a healthy manner. No matter what, we can support them in ways that are really crucial.
What are some of the rewarding aspects of the job?
Working on some holidays has been some of my best memories at Ellipsis. Seeing the kids open presents on Christmas, having a big Thanksgiving dinner and dressing up for Halloween is awesome. Watching them have a blast brings smiles to staff members’ faces.
Why is it important to have residential programs in communities and qualified people working in them?
Many communities are struggling with too few resources and services. Without residential programs, many children would be without proper guidance and structure. Providing those things can significantly alter a child’s life for the better and set them up for future excellence.
What is a misconception people may have about mental health treatment? How do you dispel that?
When I was growing up, mental health was never really talked about as much as it should have been. Still, there seems to be a misconception that therapy doesn’t help and is a waste of time. This can deter someone from reaching out for help when they need it. Mental health is a big part of our lives. We deserve to talk to someone about our issues without judgment. Ellipsis provides that safe space where you can confide in someone and trust they are listening to you.
If there’s anything else you’d like to add about your role, please feel free to do so!
If you care about the future leaders of our world and are experienced with helping troubled youth, think about working at Ellipsis!